Monday, August 8, 2011

Forming New Habits

And so it begins!  I started a new fitness routine this morning.  It was in the back of my mind, but as I was taking Nick to work this morning, I saw John Burroughs running around MCHS and I suddenly felt very guilty *grins*.  He can do it, so can I...besides, I don't want to buy new clothes.  I want to wear the ones I haven't been able to fit into in a while :).  It's a much more rewarding feeling.

Well, just checking in briefly before I head in to work.  Big day today...have to put my room back in order *facedesk*.  This is going to be fun - but I think I have some very sweet cheerleaders who are going to come and help me :).  God, give me the wisdom on how to speak to these kids.  I know they're not firmly grounded in the values they need, but I hope that I'll somehow be able to help them from making mistakes that will hurt them in the end.  Please help me make a difference in their lives even when I may not have it all together, either.

I suddenly wish I had more time in the morning :).  Getting up early ain't quite so bad...I just need to remember to go to bed *grins*.

Hope y'all have a great day - I'm going to do my best to do so :)!

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