Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lessons Learned

I know I probably shouldn't get too deep when trying to think about spiritual matters, but I do think that everyday can be a learning experience from the Holy Spirit.  If you listen close enough, our best friend and teacher usually has something to say about the situations going on in our lives.  Not only that, I think He sets them up that way on purpose.  Our God is great, and to believe that He would be any less involved in HIS children's lives than we want to be in our children's lives would be ridiculous.  I think many of us fail to see Him as a Father.

So the point is, I don't think anything in our life really happens by accident.  God says He guides the steps of the righteous, and I'm sure that means when we're not even paying attention, as well.  There have been many times that I've ended up in the right place at the right time without even realizing it.

Today's lesson?  Unfortunately, I'm not sure I know :(.  I don't think I was listening close enough to find out.  That's the thing - how much time are we spending with Him to give us the chance to find that out?  That's what I want my goal to be - to spend more time getting to know His voice and slowing down enough to hear it.

We shall see...we shall see :)