Friday, July 6, 2012

Wilderness Road Museum

My mom has been volunteering at the Wilderness Road Museum in Newbern, Virginia, and she gave us a tour and gave me the keys to go look through some of the old buildings on the property that they had renovated.  There was such a rich sense of history about that place that it made me want to write stories about it :).  Maybe I'll start something called Blue Ridge Fiction - write random stories based in the area.  Follow a family through history - I would just have to have the time to research :(.  That's what summers are for!  I know enough that I could get started on something - I just need a decent plot.  I tend to lean toward mysteries and romance *grin*.

Anyway, we head back to Tennessee tonight, and I'm not sure what we're going back to.  Someone had mentioned that the power came back on, but I'm not sure if that's for us or not.  We're heading back late into the evening so we plan to eat dinner with them before we go.  We're heading to that hibachi grill in Roanoke that they all love - they do have some kickin' sushi :).

I had planned on going to the New River or going to Claytor Lake to swim some while here, but Nick doesn't like swimming in the lake.  He's a bit more okay with a river, but still, I miss getting to go in it.  I would love to go skiing again :).

The time to get things ready for school is dwindling and I need to get on the ball!!  I've got some things done, but if I wait too much longer, I'm not going to be ready again like last year.  I couldn't help it then because of the renovations - I couldn't get to any of my stuff - this year I should have no excuse, other than all the traveling *grin*.

At any rate, I'm going to sign off for now.  Should return soon! :)

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