Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Day of School

Today was actually a pretty decent day - all except for those three freshmen in my Music Appreciation class who gave me random attitude.  On the first day?  Really?  Anyway, everything else went fairly well considering!  Not sure if I'm looking forward to tomorrow or not.  We shall see, we shall see :).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Only One More Day

I am officially exhausted.  I'm actually getting ready to go to bed at an amazing 9:45 pm.  How crazy is that?  Today really wore me out - and my room isn't anywhere near being ready...but school will start on Wednesday regardless of if I'm ready or not!  I had hoped to have everything in place by the time the students got back, but that's going to be pretty much impossible.  So...I'll do the best I can.

Had two wonderful students come and help me today - and another former...well, a graduate of the school that I never had, but was in my room often enough to be one of mine *grins*.  Good thing, too, because he's a beefcake and did a lot of heavy lifting for me!

Anyway, I don't guess there's much to report.  Just thought I'd drop in and, only one more day.

Forming New Habits

And so it begins!  I started a new fitness routine this morning.  It was in the back of my mind, but as I was taking Nick to work this morning, I saw John Burroughs running around MCHS and I suddenly felt very guilty *grins*.  He can do it, so can I...besides, I don't want to buy new clothes.  I want to wear the ones I haven't been able to fit into in a while :).  It's a much more rewarding feeling.

Well, just checking in briefly before I head in to work.  Big day today...have to put my room back in order *facedesk*.  This is going to be fun - but I think I have some very sweet cheerleaders who are going to come and help me :).  God, give me the wisdom on how to speak to these kids.  I know they're not firmly grounded in the values they need, but I hope that I'll somehow be able to help them from making mistakes that will hurt them in the end.  Please help me make a difference in their lives even when I may not have it all together, either.

I suddenly wish I had more time in the morning :).  Getting up early ain't quite so bad...I just need to remember to go to bed *grins*.

Hope y'all have a great day - I'm going to do my best to do so :)!